Architectural Reading

America: The New Empire
In the dawn of the 1900’s, America entered not just a new century, but a century that would result in the people reaping the results of the Industrial Revolution. Things were being invented in droves: bicycles, airplanes, cars, vacuum cleaners, electricity, movies, radios, and many more. With the use of assembly lines, things were produced in a quicker and easier way. With new medical techniques, less people died. Fewer people were getting sick from food poisoning with the technique of pasteurization, which killed unhealthy germs on food. In the political world, Teddy Roosevelt had expanded the nation with the addition of Cuba and the Philippines. And of course, he oversaw the Panama Canal’s building. Ways were changing. Women could now vote. 1 in 10 people were immigrants! Many monopolies were busted by Roosevelt and Taft, resulting in more money for the people to spend on cheaper mass made things. With war imminent, America was well prepared. With all its natural resources, it built many steel battleships, including the famous White Fleet. It also made submarines, tanks, large artillery, armored cars, machine guns, grenades, and many more new weapons. No doubt about it, America was rolling in the prosperity of the 1900’s!

1 comment:

  1. Keep posting your essays, Chris, I really enjoy reading them.


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